Chinese manufacturer’s blunder spoils Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee memorabilia


Tableware items may now become sought-after souvenirs for a popular sitcom’s fans

A spelling mistake has dramatically changed the fate of 10,800 Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee memorabilia items, potentially making them perfect souvenirs for fans of a popular sitcom ‘Only Fools and Horses.’

A Chinese manufacturer produced tea sets, mugs, and decorative plates for sale in the UK, to cash in on celebrations marking 70 years of Queen Elizabeth’s reign. But the inscription on the items turned out to be a problem, as it says, “To commemorate the Platinum Jubbly of Queen Elizabeth II.

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When the UK partner saw “jubbly” instead of “jubilee” they terminated the deal. But Wholesale Clearance – a company trading bankrupt stock and discontinued lines – stepped in, and now hopes to turn a “slight typo mistake” into a roaring success.

In a playful advertisement on its website, Wholesale Clearance recalls a well-loved character of the popular sitcom ‘Only Fools and Horses,’ the ambitious businessman Del Boy, whose favorite phrase is “lovely jubbly.

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So if you are a fan of the Queen and Del Boy...two birds with one stone! Apart from the obvious gimmick factor, there is an abundance of fantastic things you could do with these,” the announcement reads, advising people either to “become an Only Fools and Horses fan and wow your friends with your Lovely Jubbly set” or to “take-up plate spinning as a hobby.

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The bulk of the memorabilia is being traded for £32,400, with a potential resale profit indicated at £291,392.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee will be celebrated in June with a four-day weekend.

© Wholesale Clearance

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February 01, 2022 at 11:27PM
from RT - Daily news

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